Authentic Cole Haan products are available only in our Cole Haan stores, Cole Haan outlet stores, and at You can also find our products in select authorized department stores and specialty retailers.
There are many fake websites mirroring the look and feel of official Cole Haan websites or create the impression that they belong to Cole Haan or our official distributors. There are also fake social media pages and ads on social media linking to these fake sites.
Many of the websites copy photos and content directly from our official website. They sell counterfeit product, but often they don’t ship any product after you have paid and are then used to obtain your credit card information and your personal information.
Cole Haan does not have an online outlet website, nor do our international distributors.
Cole Haan does not announce store closures or liquidation sales on social media. Warning: just because one or more of the following points may be true about a website does NOT necessarily mean that it is an authorized website or Cole Haan retailer:
The website’s domain name contains the words “Cole Haan”
The website appears in a search engine result
The website links to
The website has the look and feel of the Cole Haan brand
The website uses Cole Haan photographs or product images
The website claims to be an official Cole Haan site
The website claims to offer Cole Haan products at a discount
While we cannot list every unauthorized Cole Haan website or those that are selling counterfeit Cole Haan products, below are a few examples of unauthorized websites. If the website you find does not appear on this list, do not assume it is legitimate.
Cole Haan only sells authorized products online at If our
international distributors are allowed to operate a Cole Haan website in their territory, the website will always contain their full company details, including all proper contact details. Please refer to our list of approved distributors.
If you think a website is fake, do not place any orders and immediately
contact our customer service team to assist with the validation process.
Cole Haan deeply cares about the quality, workmanship, and authenticity of our products. Counterfeiting is highly illegal, as counterfeit products do not undergo inspection processes and often do not adhere to safety, health, and wage regulations, including child labor and human rights laws. Counterfeiting has been linked to organized crime, child labor, and terrorism, and it can also harm the economy through lost revenue, jobs, and taxes.
To help protect the Cole Haan brand and our customers from counterfeit products, we work with law enforcement and customs officials in the United States and around the world to stop the shipment and sale of counterfeit goods. We also monitor online and offline channels for counterfeit merchandise.
We do not respond to requests to authenticate product or identify authorized distributors. Please note that if a deal or price sounds too good to be true, it probably is counterfeit product. We do not sell our products at flea markets, through street vendors, or in mall kiosks.
We appreciate any information you can share to assist us in our efforts to fight fake websites by reporting it to our customer service team. Please provide as much information as possible, including, the url location where you purchased or saw the Cole Haan product, the items purchased, your email address, and contact information. It would also be helpful to share your order confirmation from the seller. We will only use your email address to file and investigate your report. Please review our
Privacy Policy for more information.